sekarng ni ak kat bilik sumber PJ. tgh ada event pembentangan projek.. i am vry sad now, frustrated and tired... this is really not the thing i want. i am really tired. yesterday i just knew that this friday is a holiday. i thought there's a class on friday so, i bought a hari raya bus ticket on friday evening. most of my friends will going home this evening.... hari ni jugak i have to submit my assgmnt. hari ni jugak i felt sleepy coz smalam going to bed at 3. nasib baik pagi tadi tak terlepas Subuh... apa pon this is cabaran untuk aku. we have to deal with various type of people. sometimes it makes me sick and tire
yesterday night pegi berbuka puasa rumah mentor aku kat kuala kedah. dapat mkn laksa kuala kedah yang femes tu...that was a relly nice experience coz we all using kereta to konvoi. on our way to rumah en. muftar we saw an eccident. an old man lied down on the road dengan badan dibungkus dgn kain. he's dead. al-fatihah... memang sedih lagi beberapa hari nak raya his family have to let him go. berderau darah aku waltu tu.. mudah-mudahan aku selamat sampai rumah. nak jumpa mak, ayah, family nak raya sesama. buat family allahyarham pak cik takziah diucapkan. now i have to realize everybody will go and see our creator. the only difference between us is how we're going to see HIM.. i hope it is in a good condition when it reach my time. and the most important is i still in Islam with Kalimah Syahadah.. Aminnn...
yesterday my mak called me and i knew her voice macam tak semangat je. pasal aku balik sehari sebelum raya. sadly this hari raya i didn't make it for almond london... pity my brothers coz that was their favourite cookies in hari raya. nak buat macam mana dah cuti pon dekat nak raya...
sharing is caring.. really? tengok situasi lah...