Sunday, June 28, 2009

edit gambar satu kepuasan....

ni pic yang di edit oleh my lovely friend bella guna photo bucket

pic kitorang mase kat penang hill...

ni ada lah  my edited pics. seronok jugak mengedit gambar nie.. ni hasil kerja beginner cam aku. pakai power point aje... tapi boleh lah pas ni nak cuba software yg hardcore sket. tp sebelum tu my desktop kene upgrade dlu. kang stuck payah plak... buat sementara ni cara pkai power point ngan photoshop dlu lah kot psal tak banyak bajet lagi nak upgrade desktop.....

this is my funny,hardcore classmates and our mentor.  macam tak percaya kan.... we are just like a family....well this is life... dah macam adik beradik. this is the time to spend 2gether and a life time 2 share the tears and happiness.... let us be what we want 2 be.. this is our rules..!!!